Cottonwood Heights, Utah


 Rock Chip Repairs in Cottonwood Heights, Utah & Cottonwood, Utah, zip 84121


Cottonwood Heights, Utah & Cottonwood, Utah,

$45.00 for the 1st, rock chip repair & $30.00 for each additional chip repair, on the same vehicle. Past 7400 South, the price goes to 55.00 for the 1st, rock chip repair & $30.00 for each additional, chip repair.

The chip repair must remain moisture-free at least 2–3 hours before the appointment. Causes for this may include, Frost, snow, rain, and car wash.

Cracked windshield repair, up to 16 inches in length,

Ranges from $75.00 to 135.00 I highly recommend it be dry for 8-12 hours before the appointment.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call or text during normal hours at 385-219-9100